S.C.B currentaccount

Designed to provide total convenience, is an easy everyday account suitable for individuals including professionals, societies, clubs and sole proprietors.

Key Account Benefits

  • Convenient for frequent personal and business transactions.
  • Free ATM card for individuals.
  • Convenient access to cash.
  • Monthly statement of account (upon request).
  • Instant mini-statements available from ATMs.
  • Free access to e-banking channels, including internet banking and mobile banking.
  • Account holder is able to apply for credit facilities.
  • Regular payments can be set up through standing instructions and direct debits.

Application requirements for Individuals:

  • One passport-sized photograph.
  • Valid photo identity (Passport /Driver's License / Voter ID).
  • Proof of residential and postal address (any of the following):
    • Utility bill
    • Tenancy agreement
    • Employer's reference letter
  • Initial deposit (amount to be determined by Bank from time to time)

Bank Analysis Chart